Tuesday, 4 May 2010


It was a bank holiday.. It was always going to be bad weather. So why the surprise when, true to form, it doesn't stop raining for 24 hours?!

Oh well. These things are to be expected, and our plot could do with the water anyway - over the last few weeks the reality of our "very well drained" soil has hit home, with the unworked beds turning into piles of dry dust. 

As there wasn't anything growing on it when we arrived we decided some time ago that what we really needed was some nice manure to mulch in. Apparently it's good at putting nutrients into the soil and also retaining moisture and the like. 
We'd spoken to Jill (who helps with the admin and runs the tiny allotment shop) about this when we first started, but hadn't got around to getting any yet.
So, with much trepidation we phoned the poo man, had a strained conversation on volumes ("Erm.. I'm not sure.. how much do you think we need..?") and after some deliberation became the owners of 10 bin bags full of premium horse shit. 

Phil arrived with it in the back of his Fiat "Poo-nto" (his joke..) the next week. 

So we've now dug most of it in, only one bag left.. I'm quite surprised at how quickly it's disappeared actually. You can tell which bits have had it too, just by the colour of the soil. At least I think you can. You probably can't. 
Anyway, I think we need more.

kneeded a poo...

Also, the poor neglected, desiccated pear isn't dead after all! We have shoots! Hurrah! Sure we'll have no fruit this year, but hopefully it'll settle in for next time. 

1 comment:

  1. No bags of compost left, I used the last one on Wednesday to earth up the potatoes. We need to call the poo man again.
