Tuesday 30 March 2010

International Fame

My friend Ian mentioned our blog on his blog! An Australian blog, no less. So now we have two, yes two, real actual readers (Ian and my Mum!) Not only that, but we inspired Ian to write his own gardening post on his hitherto gardening-free blog. I like to feel we're starting a gardening-blogging revolution. This time next year, we'll have.... um... three readers. With any luck.


  1. Hey, what about me? Don't I count?

  2. You're _supposed_ to be a contributor, not a reader!

  3. from tiny acorns do mighty oaks grow ... (probably not the best use of an allotment though)

  4. Um, hello!! I'm an avid reader. A little behind maybe, but I catch up in the end. Yum, beans.

  5. So am I, now I know where this blog is...
