Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Allotment Quiz: Name that brassica

There's a little part of our allotment that we haven't dug over yet. It's mainly, of course, covered with weeds, but we've got three plants growing that look a lot more vegetable-like, and less weed-like, than the others. Despite a look through some of my gardening books, I have no idea what it is.

Can anyone help us? Here's a picture:

Anyone who can help us will be high on the list to benefit from our first harvest.


  1. I think it is a poppy - can't quite get the size though

  2. Ooo a poppy! That would be exciting! And pretty. I guess that will be easier for me to spot if it ever flowers.
    There are 3 of them, the tallest one is about 30cm tall, the others a little shorter.
    Thanks for your help!

  3. Definitely a poppy - and, dare I say, an 'Opium'poppy, so don't smoke, eat, or make tea from the seeds unless you want to be very sleepy!
