Tuesday, 1 June 2010

The winners of our greenhouse poll are:

Tomatoes! Congratulations, tomatoes!

Doula and Tom, our very experienced allotment neighbours (more on them soon) gave us three small tomato plants. However they gave them to us with the warning "it's impossible to grow tomatoes here. They get the blight. Grow like trees and then drop over night". A double-edged present, perhaps.

Here's some info on the blight http://www.gardenersworld.com/how-to/problem-solving/tomato-blight/

We're going to give them a go, anyway. We've got some tomato seedlings we've been growing in Andrew's garden too. We'll grow them in the greenhouse, which will hopefully limit their exposure to the airborne spores. We're a bit reluctant to use lots of chemicals on them, we've been pretty much organic so far.

Any tips for keeping them blight-free, gardeners out there?


  1. My tip for keeping blight-free is to grow cucumbers...nothing would dare blight a cucumber. And then you can grow cheese, and have cheese and cucumber sammidges. Cheese is a vegetable, right?

  2. Great idea, Charlotte, thanks! Yes apparently cheese is very easy to grow:


    Unfortunately cucumbers do get the blight too. Not sure if it's the same blight though.
